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Šīs sīkdatnes ļauj vietnei nodrošināt paplašinātas funkcijas un personalizāciju. Tos varam uzstādīt mēs paši vai trešo pušu pakalpojumu sniedzēji, kuru pakalpojumus esam pievienojuši mūsu tīmekļa vietnēm. Ja neatļaujat izmantot šīs sīkdatnes, daži mūsu pakalpojumi var darboties kļūdaini.
Šīs sīkdatnes ļauj mums uzskaitīt apmeklējumu skaitu un datplūsmas avotus, lai novērtētu un uzlabotu mūsu vietnes veiktspēju. Tie palīdz mums uzzināt, kuras lapas ir visvairāk un kuras vismazāk populāras, un noskaidrot, cik liels lietotāju skaits apmeklē tīmekļa vietni. Visa šo sīkdatņu ievāktā informācija ir apkopota un tādējādi anonīma. Ja neatļausiet izmantot šīs sīkdatnes, mēs nezināsim, kad esat apmeklējis mūsu tīmekļa vietni, un nevarēsim izsekot tās veiktspēju.
Skaits :
EK-CryoFuel also contains synergistic corrosion inhibitors to protect metals commonly found in computer liquid cooling systems. It has been tested in accordance with BS5117 (ASTM D1384) and found to meet corrosion standards for copper, brass, aluminum and stainless steel. This coolant also contains scale and biological inhibitors to help prevent fouling – thus promoting long operational life and high thermal efficiency.EK-CryoFuel Clear
All EK-CryoFuel mixtures are biodegradable (90% in a period of 10 days) and will not remain in the environment or cause any bioaccumulation. EK-CryoFuel offers a 2-year shelf life from date of bottling.
EK recommends the use of the filling bottle which is designed to make a loop filling process much easier.
Technical data:
The EK-CryoFuel is a new revolutionary coolant for PC liquid cooling systems. EK-CryoFuel is the most chemically stable coolant that provides enthusiasts and gamers with the best possible level of performance and thermal efficiency with emphasis on color stability. EK-CryoFuel coolant is a pure, non-toxic coolant based on the patent pending chemical formula, which prevents the creation of any sediments in the liquid cooling loop. Liquid cooling users can rest assured that the EK-CryoFuel coolant, with its very low viscosity, will not clog or damage their water blocks and other parts of the loop when used with EK-DuraClear or EK-ZMT tubing.
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